Father we rebuke the subtle and deceptive spirit of competitive jealousy and its poisonous root of idolatry. We rebuke the sense of uneasiness or anxiety that stems from comparison or the fear of preference or favoritism. We rebuke the spirit of self promotion. Father take our personal offenses. Let us -- the body of Christ --function as one, in unity. Let us not be "I-minded," but Christ-minded. We tear down every high thought and futile attempt to measure up to false standards that are not of your will. We rebuke the wasted energy lost in the futile striving!!!! Let the origins of competitive jealousy (Isa. 14:12-15) be thrown into the pit of hell where it belongs in Jesus' mighty, powerful name.
We divert our eyes to your Lord Jesus, the one true God. We love you with all of our hearts. Help us to pick up our cross and follow you. Help us to be obedient to You, faithful to You, and "Create in us a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within us." Let us never forget that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. We are not called to look at the wind and the waves, but to lock eyes and step with you.
Spirit of Competitive Jealousy (1 of 4)
Spirit of Competitive Jealousy (2 of 4)
Spirit of Competitive Jealousy (3 of 4)
Spirit of Competitive Jealousy (4 of 4)