Max Edmiston commentary for JDE men - January 19, 2017 5:25 PM CT - Digging

Less is more. Find a mentor (you have one while you're in the Journey, but I submit that it does not have to end there. We all continue to learn and grow, stumble, and can learn from guidance of a Paul in our life.) that lives the walk. Follow first; be mentored into maturity in Christ. Learn to channel your passion. Offense is the bait of Satan. Speak Eph.4:29 and in discernment. Blog; I do.

Bible first. Read for understanding, not sake of reading.
Start with Romans, then John, then Ephesians. These should bless you.
- When you read Romans, determine the true meaning of law vs grace.
- When you read John, capture the commands given by Jesus.

Later, read Victory Over The Darkness then Bondage Breakers.
Also find independent pastors such as Stephen Armstrong. Start with Genesis study - Acts wasn't so hot. Learn to listen to the voice of the good shepherd and do not listen to any other voice; chew up the meat and spit out the bones.

Finally, take a break from social media. I keep messenger on my phone, but typically avoid the stream. I find it can be unhealthy, sadly.

Prayer and worship are the most important daily disciplines, IMHO. Sometimes reading is not possible, but prayer should always remain.

Additional Resources (Monday, May 1 @ 8:53 PM) -
1. Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Treasures in the Bible / Hour 1
2. Parables of Jesus
3. Competitive Jealousy
4. BEMA Seat of Christ
5. Daily Audio Bible
6. Choose - has in depth resources cited